Andy Knapper


Outdoors- Tilehurst and Indoors- Whiteknights(although haven’t played for 3 or 4 years now)

Bowl Model

Drakes Pride Pro 50


Skip generally but happy to play anywhere

How did you get into bowls?

My dad plays competitively and followed him around as a child, played cricket and football to a decent standard before deciding that bowls was the game for me.

Proudest achievement in bowls

Winning the World Triples in Christchurch, New Zealand.

One thing that you would like to achieve in bowls

To get rules and etiquette to be relaxed. Clubs are full of people trying to quote rules and regulations and all it does is turn people off the game.

Best player that you have played with and against

3 of the best and hard to split- Sam Tolchard, Jamie Walker and Robert Newman. Against- Alex Marshall, Paul Foster and Aron Sheriff.

One thing that you enjoy most about bowls

The social element of the game, you make friends from all over the world, no other game is like it. You could walk into any bowls club in the world and nearly everyone would welcome you with open arms.

One bit of advice that you would give to a new bowler

Practice with a purpose!