
We are delighted to bring you a bi-monthly newsletter. 

In general, the newsletter aims to provide an overview of recent achievements in the sport, as well as engage prospective new players within the sport with a look at what the sport has to offer. 

Every other month, we will speak to various personalities from within the world of bowls about their individual experiences within the sport, as well as shine a light on the standout events that have taken place over recent months.

You can also hear from our founders Mikey and Joe, as well as from our team of ambassadors with their latest tips and insight into bowlers just starting out their bowling journeys, or those existing bowlers looking to go to the next level. We also recognise those that have achieved something, be it winning an open tournament, being awarded a local prize or being nominated for an award.

Rest assured, whether you are a new or prospective bowler, or one that has been around the sport for a number of years, the newsletter is sure to have something that is of interest to everyone. 

First Newsletter Coming Soon!